Kvalifikace // Qualify B Krissetianto - #66 Psychopath eRacing Academy 2 - ESC outside of pits in Q - BAN for Imola Qualify (start from back of grid) M Andhika - #99 Psychopath eRacing Academy -ESC outside of pits in Q - BAN for Imola Qualify (start from back of grid)
Závod // Race 03:03:15 - #76 CokRoM #2 - Collision in Parabolica - Bad time stamp - we don´t found it. 07:50:25 - #? ?? D Parvan - Collision -Bad send IRR - we don´t found it.
Kontrola rychlosti na startu // Start speed check All OK
Souhrn penalizací do Imoly // Summary
Imola Penalty -
Poznámky Admina // Admin notes Please, look to IRR text! You must send IRR to NUMBER and TEAM NAME! Not Driver! And Time of Incident from SERVER REPLAY!
Varování // Warning -
Hodnocení protestů je na základě rozhodnutí šesti členů komise. Každý jezdec má právo se k trestu odvolat do 24 hodin od vydání oficiálních výsledků hodnocení protestů a prohřešků!
IRR result is evaluation based on 6 members of the commission. You have the right to appeal 24 hours after the publication of the evaluation in this thread.
Live is Game, Dead is Fun. Sex is Easy, Sex is Money.
Good morning (i'm Pegoraro #14),
I saw the bad in Monza late for having done ESC (I had forgotten that it couldn't be done) but haven't I already served the disqualification in the same race starting from last position? It's as if I didn't qualify because my time wasn't recorded.